Hornby High School Hornby High School

Home Economics - Survivor

Course Description

Can you outwit your classmates to be the sole survivor.  You will look at how you can live off the land and gain the Nutrients required. Access to the school garden will allow us to design meals fresh from the garden and design meals suitable for different dietary needs. The course also coves Food Safety and Hygiene and is 50/50 theory and practical. 

Course Overview

Term 1
1. Food Safety Tikanga
The focus of this introductory unit is to build on Safe Food knowledge and personal hygiene practices in the kitchen. New students will learn procedures and routines and confidently be able to demonstrate their learnt skills in the foods rooms. Practical classes reinforce safe food routines covered in theory lessons.

2. Licence To Cook
Basic practical cooking skills and techniques that the students are likely to use when preparing food. To successfully complete the weekly practical, correctly demonstrating the required skills in class successfully with teacher guidance.

3. Survivor: the term is themed like Survivor with students having to complete tasks and challengers to out last others in their class. With the aim to be the strongest contender who has the best Nutrients and knowledge and understanding around the content.

Term 2
1. Licence To Cook
Basic practical cooking skills and techniques that the students are likely to use when preparing food. To successfully complete the weekly practical, correctly demonstrating the required skills in class successfully with teacher guidance.

2. Garden to Plate:
The second part of the semester students will learn about and develop Healthy Meal ideas to share with whānau in conjunction with our school vegetable garden. With the possibility of a class recipe book being produced with the students designs.


Year 9 Express and Create - Option Subjects