Teacher in Charge: Mr N. Williams.
「好きこそものの上手なれ」“Nothing is impossible to a willing mind” -Japanese Proverb
Welcome to the fun, immersive world of Japanese language and cultural studies! In this full-year course, you will be able to build upon what you have learned about Japanese language and culture in Year 8 through a variety of both classroom and practical activities.
Increase your understanding of your own language and culture, as you will be able to look at things from a different perspective.
Sharpen your thinking skills and boost your abilities in other areas like Maths and English, and even make your brain bigger!
Semester A
Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions
Unit 2: Numbers
Unit 3: Colours
Unit 4: Numbers and Ages
Unit 5: Classroom Objects
Semester B
Unit 6: Classroom Commands
Unit 7: Family
Unit 8: Animals
Unit 9: Food
Unit 10: Days of the week and weather
Year 9 Option Subject - Express and Create, Japanese
1B5 Exercise Book, 3B1 Notebook, Pens, Chromebook