Hornby High School Hornby High School

Level 2 Childcare

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss A. Taylor.


This is an introductory course for those interested in the Early Childcare or Child minding pathway. Learners study the patterns of children’s development and learning from birth to school age. Learners will be able to prepare nutritional meals for infants through to young children. They will also be able to describe attachment behaviours, transition situations and come up with strategies that may be used to support both children and whānau/families.

Course Overview

Term 1
1. Describe and demonstrate care practices for infants and toddlers
Students will look at the different needs that infants and toddlers require as they move through these ages, from how they should be dressed, to sleeping habits and proper hygiene to ensure good health.

Term 2
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic needs and nutrition that support young children's holistic wellbeing and development
Students will look at the correct nutrition that young children need as they grow and the impact that it has on their growth and development. Ensuring they get the right nutrients for good health. There is even an opportunity that young children may be able to come on site to try out the planned meals students design.

Demonstrate knowledge of health issues and services available to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children

Term 3
3. Describe patterns of development and learning for young children
Students will look at the progress and milestones that young children will make as they grow and develop. They will also understand how outside influences affect the development of young children as well.

Term 4
4. Demonstrate knowledge of health issues and services available to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children
This unit looks at the different health issues that children are often at risk of getting as they go through the early development years of their life. They will understand the vaccination cycle and how it lows and prevents young children from picking up illnesses that can damage their development. Students will also learn about the different services that are available to parents as their child grows.


Home Economics, Hospitality and Childcare