Level 1 English
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs D. Truter.
The Level 1 English course comprises a combination of four internal and external (assessed by exams) Achievement Standards, totalling 20 credits. The course will include the opportunity to gain the NCEA Literacy Co-requisite Unit Standards (10 credits) for those students who still need literacy. The English department aims to implement a personalised, self-directed, culturally responsive curriculum in which students will be given some agency in exploring visual, oral and written language; the selection of texts; and methods of demonstrating their learning; within the framework of the new NCEA Achievement Standards. Students will explore various aspects of English and develop critical literacy skills: reading a range of texts for a variety of purposes; writing in various genres; speaking and presenting in several contexts; and viewing or listening to texts to make and create meaning. This course will be a pre-requisite for English at Level 2.
Course Overview
Term 1
Students will work within teacher-selected themes throughout the year, and the course will incorporate strategies and approaches designed to strengthen the development of literacy skills with a strong emphasis on grammar, reading and writing. Students will develop critical thinking and learn to articulate an appreciation of the world around them. All teaching and learning will contribute to the understanding, interpreting, using and creating of written, oral and visual texts. Term 1 will introduce a range of literacy skills and concentrate on the Literacy Co-requisite Unit Standards US 32403 and US 32405; as well as enabling students to demonstrate their understanding of specific aspects of studied texts (AS 91925).
Term 2
In Term 2, students will continue to develop their reading, writing and analytical skills. Critical thinking and textual analysis will incorporate the demonstration of students' understanding of how context shapes verbal language use (AS 91924). Students will develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions. Students will be assessed against AS 91925 and work towards completing the external standard AS 91926. Students will attempt the Literacy Reading and Writing Common Assessment Activities (CAAs - US 32403 and US 32405).
Term 3
In Term 3, Students will refine their literacy skills and learn to demonstrate their understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts. Students will complete AS 91926 and work towards completing the external standard AS 91927. Students eligible for re-submission may be offered the opportunity to resubmit the earlier assessed internal standards. Students who have not yet attained their Level 1 Literacy, will attempt the Literacy Reading and Writing Common Assessment Activities (CAAs - US 32403 and US 32405).
Term 4
Students will consolidate their learning and be offered re-submission, if not already completed in Term 3. Students will be assessed against AS 91927 - an externally assessed Achievement Standard.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
English 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of how context shapes verbal language use
English 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text
English 1.3 - Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions
English 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts
Pathway Tags
Cook, Holiday Park Manager, Sales Representative, Accountant, Auditor, Diversional Therapist, Actor, Actuary, Acupuncturist, Office Administrator, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Survey Technician, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Registered Nurse, Air Force Airman/Airwoman,