Hornby High School Hornby High School

Level 1 Home Economics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss A. Taylor.

Recommended Prior Learning

Ideally had taken either Year 9 or 10 Foods 

Home Economics works on further developing skills and knowledge learnt in the Junior School.  This course looks at how food choices, cultural issues and health issues impact an individual and their community. All while preparing and cooking foods in the practical classes safely and hygienically to Food Standards level.

Course Overview

Term 1
Food Safety:
During this term students will be looking at how to prepare foods safely and hygienically for others to be able to consume. Student will look at how different methods from preserving, cooking and storage, effects bacteria and shelf life of foods in their kitchens, ensuring people are safe from food poisoning.

Term 2
Individual Meal Planning:
Students will investigate their own personal nutritional needs, creating meals that suit their likes and dislikes, as well as considering any of their special dietary requirements. They will understand what foods will best suit their requirements, whether it be prior to a gym work out, a weekend sports match or just a day on the video games.

Term 3
External Exam - Understanding Food Advertising
This brings together all the information students have learnt throughout the year from Food Standards to Nutrition. It then applies it to understanding how foods are promoted through advertising and packaging of products to encourage people to buy them.


Home Economics, Hospitality and Childcare